Photographing Large Family Groups
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Monday, July 15, 2019
By Kellwood Studio Photography
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Photographing multi generational family groups is such a rewarding experience and absolutely priceless to share with your client.

You know that you have just created something of value with them, you have been included in a sweet little moment of time in their lives to experience how they play, share, and love on each other.  Having been a family photographer for almost 20 years, here  are a few tricks of the trade that I have learned along the way! 


Tip #1

Photograph the biggest grouping first. This includes, grandparents all the way down to grandchildren and every aunt and uncle in between. Children are unpredictable and this is the main photo that your grandparents are going to love on their wall. Usually before kids lose interest or cry or get tired you can snap this one before they realize they are expected to "say cheese" and look at the camera!

Tip #2

If there are little babies or toddlers involved get their photos done first! This includes the Group shot, the grandparent shot and their individual family shots. Older kids may not be enjoying themselves yet but they will turn on their smiles and fun later in the game!

Tip #3

If you have a little one who is just having a hard time, don't keep stimulating them. Stop, regroup, and go another route. Sometimes just letting them be with mom and dad, or shifting your focus to candid capture is the best and sweetest plan. Kids are kids and if they are sad, hungry, tired, scared or just don't like what they are doing you can't make them get out of that mood right on the spot. I brought bubbles to this session, and while our little guy was having a hard time, her perked right up at the idea of play! VIOLA! 

Tip #4

Above all else- Have fun! Be accommodating! Care as if you were bringing your precious ones to your the  photographer and making an Investment.

Or how about this ?

"Do to others as you would have them do to you..."Luke 6:31 

Not a bad motto to assume as a business owner right?



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